The Table of Contents is also cross-referenced click on the section you’re looking for to travel there instantly. Throughout this text, there will be cross-references to other parts of the manual, as well as hyperlinks to web pages. The latest version of the manual will always be available from the X‑Plane Developer web site. This is version 11.50 of the manual to Plane Maker.
Troubleshooting and How to File a Bug Report.Changing the Visibility of an Aircraft's Parts.Modifying the Appearance of an Aircraft.Designing an Artifical Stability System.
Modeling Additional Features of an Aircraft.
Selecting and Configuring System Warning Sounds. One-way rheostats (gen_rheostat_one_way). Properties Common to All Generic Instruments. Configuring Instrument Performance Ranges, Display Limits, and Colors. Setting Up Electrical, Hydraulic, and Pressurization Systems. Working with Twin- and Multi-Engine Aircraft. Working with Engines That Turn Propellers. Critical Altitude and FADEC Characteristics.
Setting the Location of the Tow Hook, Winching Hooks, Boarding Door, and Refueling Port. Setting the Gear's Type, Size, and Position. Customizing a Wing's Pieces (for Incidence, Size and Position). Specifying Ailerons, Elevators, and Other Surfaces. Adding Ailerons, Flaps, and Other Control Surfaces. An Overview of the Plane Maker Workflow. Licensing of Aircraft Created in Plane Maker.