
How to draw a genogram
How to draw a genogram

Other significant information included in the genogram would be concerns regarding pregnancies, illnesses, hospitalizations, deaths, and even psychiatric problems such as depression, anxieties, and phobias (Nichols, 2010, 125). 369).The Genogram As An Assessment Tool Nursing Essay It would also include answers relating to the patient’s nuclear family such as who lives in the household (name, age, gender, occupation, and education), where the other members live, and what health related changes or problems have the family faced most recently (Shellenberger, et al, p. Â The therapist or practitioner would include important events, such as deaths, marriages, and divorces all deserve careful study (Nichols, 2010, 125).

how to draw a genogram

To start a genogram, one begins with basic answers to questions taken in during the intake session at the patient’s first visit to the family physician or family therapist. The genogram can also be used to focus attention on the biopsychosocial context of the patient’s health and wellness concerns (368).The Genogram As An Assessment Tool Nursing Essay The genogram that includes biological history and cultural history has been found to be a resourceful instrument that is becoming part of the client’s medical records (368). Adding a cultural layer to the genogram has assisted many medical physicians in understanding the reasons why some patients don’t understand the medical diganosis and refuse medical treatment (372). A Genogram is a resourceful clinical tool that is being used by family therapists and medical professions as an assessment tool to assist in identifying a patient’s important family information (Shellenberger, et al, 2007, 368).

How to draw a genogram