
Catia v5 machining tutorial pdf
Catia v5 machining tutorial pdf

catia v5 machining tutorial pdf
  1. #Catia v5 machining tutorial pdf how to
  2. #Catia v5 machining tutorial pdf pdf
  3. #Catia v5 machining tutorial pdf skin

These features can be used in either individual prismatic machining strategies or complex machining processes, further smoothing design to manufacturing integration. It provides prismatkc set of functions that generate all prismatic geometrical machining features of the design part to be machined. Note that to enable this simulation you must reference the design part in the Part Operation editor. This website uses cookies to improve prusmatic experience. Select the Macros tab to specify a Retract macro with a linear Retract path of 50mm. Geometrical machining features integration in prismatic machining product: You can see that the pocketing operation leaves some unmachined material in the corners.

#Catia v5 machining tutorial pdf pdf

Axial machining features are displayed in a TO DO LIST with a summary of their dimensioning characteristics, prismaticc a better readability, and their positions are displayed in parallel in 3D view.ħ4HC173 DATASHEET PDF Create and Use a Prismatic Machining Area Select the Tool tab to specify a tool with a 5mm nominal diameter. You can prksmatic to Define Macros of an Operation for more information. The Video simulation capability is used in this task.

#Catia v5 machining tutorial pdf skin

Thanks to local feature recognition techniques, the user only has to select faces on the skin of a design part, and the system creates the feature automatically. Automatically build geometrical machining features for prismatic machining using, advanced feature recognition techniques. This feature references the selected pocket geometry. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. Close the Analysis and Replay dialog boxes. In the Profile Contouring dialog box, select the Prismatic machining area. The operation’s geometry shows the elements referenced by the feature pocket bottom, guide, and so on. Select the Tool tab to specify a tool with a 16mm nominal diameter. Length 20 weeks 1 session per week 4 hours per session Total Class: You can refer to Edit the Tool of an Operation for more information. Make the Manufacturing Program current in the specification tree, then select Pocketing. The operation’s geometry is initialized with the pocket bottom and guide elements referenced by the feature. CATIA – Prismatic Machining Preparation Assistant (MPA) delivers functions to prepare a design part for prismatic machining through geometrical machining. Upon completion of this course, you should have a full understanding of the following topics.

#Catia v5 machining tutorial pdf how to

Learn how to machine a part by 2 ½ axis ways with Prismatic Machining workbench through an exercise.

Catia v5 machining tutorial pdf